Tuesday, September 8, 2015

A is for Apple Activity - At Home Preschool

For letter A week we decided to make a paper plate Apple. This helped teach him letter sounds as well as his cutting skills, colors, how to use the right amount of glue as well as creativity. I love things that track multiple principles. Plus it's easy to throw together and you probably already have the supplies for it. 

What you need:
Paper Plate 
Red Construction Paper 
Markers or Paint. 
Scissors (if you feel it is age appropriate)
Glue (we used a glue stick to keep the mess down a bit) 
Green Craft Stick (you could also use green paper for the stem) 

1. I let him rip and cut the red paper into enough pieces to cover the plate. We used about 2 sheets. 

2.  I let him color the plate red for a base for the apple. 

3.  Let them go to town gluing all the red paper to the plate. 

4.  Add your stem. (We used a green craft stick) but you could easily use green paper if you don't have one on hand. 

I love how simple this was since we don't have a terribly long attention span.  

Happy Learning! 

Letter A Chalkboard Activity - At home preschool

With our at home preschool program we are doing the letter of the week plan to teach recognition, letter sounds, handwriting and upper and lower matching. Today is our first day! And we couldn't be more exciting. We did a couple chalkboard activities that went very well. 

First I drew a letter A at the top for him to use for reference then made the dots for him to connect. We did this about 10 tes to really drill it in. 

Next we erased the letters with some tips and water. 
First I drew several sets of upper and lowercase A's on his chalkboard. 
Then I gave him a small cup of water and a few quips and had him wrote over the letters with the water "erasing" them. He was so proud of himself after every set he did. You could really do this activity with any letter or number 

The most important part when doing this activity with your preschooler is to make sure you stay as positive as possible even when they are not tracing things great. Positive reinforcement goes a long way and will help them so much more then telling them everything they did wrong.

We have a few more activities planned for today. I will keep you posted and hopefully give you some good ideas for teaching your preschooler. 

3 year preschool homeschool

When my son turned 3 I started looking into preschool and was incredibly frustrated by the things I found. The programs were either way too expensive, way below my sons level, or way too structured. So I decided that at home preschool would be worth a shot. I agree that there are some social aspects that are very important to his overall development so I did decide to enroll him in a sports program.